Raphy Pina Faces Up To 20 Years in Prison After Guilty Verdict on Weapons Charges – Remezcla
... Puerto Rico, on Wednesday (December 22) after a trial that lasted six days. ... reggaeton duo Luny Tunes, and Puerto Rican composer Wise.
Newark Puerto Rican Leaders Help Fellow Haitian Community In Time of Need – TAPinto
NEWARK, NJ — A cross-city solidarity between Newark's Puerto Rican and Haitian communities has been forged over the years through helping one
Asopao, Puerto Rico’s national soup, eases winter and hangovers – The Takeout
Asopao is Puerto Rico's pride and joy—as long as you make it correctly. Journeying through Puerto Rico's mountains and varied food culture.
Puerto Rico Supreme Court Rules on Damages Calculations Involving Double Penalties …
18, 2021), the Puerto Rico Supreme Court (“PRSC”) determined that when a plaintiff prevails in a discrimination lawsuit, any award of back pay
KFC in Japan, Pig in Puerto Rico: Surprising Christmas Food Traditions Worldwide – Newsweek
Puerto Rican Christmas meals include arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas), lechón asado (spit-roasted pork), and pasteles (tamale-like patties
Puerto Rico Updates COVID-19 Entry Requirements | TravelPulse
Puerto Rico has tightened its entry requirements heading into the holidays, shortening the window for pre-flight COVID-19 testing and announcing
Weak mag. 2.5 earthquake – 2 Km SSW of Salinas, Puerto Rico, on Thursday, Dec 23, 2021 …
Weak mag. 2.5 earthquake - 2 Km SSW of Salinas, Puerto Rico, on Thursday, Dec 23, 2021 9:55 am (GMT -4) -
Puerto Rico travel: Domestic flights to require testing before arrival – USA Today
Puerto Rico is set to tighten its entry requirements for U.S. travelers amid the holiday travel season.
Mayfield tornado forces family to return to Puerto Rico – Spectrum News
— Jorge and Yeyshalee Cruz moved from their home country Puerto Rico in 2019 to Mayfield to make a better life for their daughter Alejandra Cruz. The
Music Executive Raphy Pina Is Found Guilty of Illegal Possession of Firearms, Says ‘I Just …
... December 22 by a jury in the U.S. Federal Court building in San Juan, Puerto Rico after a six-day trial. The guilty verdict means Pina ...